Kingbeast's Lair

Growling about the RPG industry and my gaming life. RPG and anime reviews from a passionate fan. (Formerly John's Hero HQ.)

Reverb Gamers – Questions 16 Through 20

April 30, 2013 By: John Taber Category: Games, Growlings

Reverb Gamers LogoIn 2012 Atlas Games came out with a list of 31 RPG related questions that they wanted people to answer. I will tackle them in small bite sized morsels to make them a bit easier to swallow. Here are the next set of questions.

REVERB GAMERS 2012, #16: Who was the most memorable foe you’ve ever come up against in a game? How did you beat him/her/it? Or did you?

I predominately GM so I am going to answer this questions from the other side of the table. I’ve placed several memorable foes up against my players. One of my favorites was in my Star Aria campaign. The villain was named Ankmil. Ankmil was from a long dead race known as the Patriarchs. The reason he is so memorable is that he was seen doing so many horrible things that the PC really wanted to take him down. On top of that Ankmil was doing these deeds out of pure reason and logic. The PC took him down in a truly climactic battle that I will never forget. You can read about it on the log page at this URL.

REVERB GAMERS 2012, #17: What was the best reward you’ve ever gotten in a game? What made it so great? How much do you need tangible rewards (loot, leveling, etc.) to enjoy a game?

Boy there are a lot of neat “treasures” that my PCs have received over the years. Probably the most memorable item belonged to my college D&D PC named Seth. Seth got a magic ring that could summon an extremely powerful undead entity known as “Ingird”. Well Ingrid was nasty but she came with a price. She took commands literally and complied them with deadly force. Ingird was a perfect “double-edged sword” for a summoning mage. 😉

REVERB GAMERS 2012, #18: Have you ever “cheated” on a die roll/random chance outcome, or looked up a quest solution on a fan site? Why or why not? If yes, was it worth it?

I have very different answers for each part of this question. 🙂

As a GM I have cheated on dice rolls. I only do this when I think it will advance the plot or at times when the death of a PC is on the line. In these cases I will sometimes make exceptions so it is more fun for everyone.

I have never looked up table-top RPG modules online to get details about the adventure. I love being surprised by adventures and GMs so I think this is totally bush league. I have heard of players doing this from some of my friends. If I ever find out my players are doing this in my games I’ll skin ’em alive…ok…maybe I’ll kill them first…then skin ’em. :}

REVERB GAMERS 2012, #19: What’s the weirdest character you’ve ever played? How did you end up with him/her/it?

I have not played too many “weird” PCs over the years but I have seen a couple in my games so I will talk about one of those. The weirdest PC I saw in one of my games was a Champions character called The Michelin Man. Yep, he was that Michelin Man. The PC was a brick that could entangle by throwing tires around the target. Argh. :]

REVERB GAMERS 2012, #20: What was the most memorable character death you’ve ever experienced? What makes it stick with you?

I’ve actually had many character deaths over the years. I think the most memorable death was so memorable because it was so funny. Two Champions PC were exploring an island where they suspected super-villains might be hiding. The telekinetic PC lifted my martial artist PC, Cestus, through a waterfall so he could look around. Behind the waterfall were a squad of alerted agents with automatic weapons. They cut loose on my poor martial artist who could not dodge as he was being held by telekinesis. When the telekinetic PC removed Cestus from the waterfall all that was left was a bloody corpse. 😀


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