My Thoughts On Jason’s Posthegemony Post On IPR
Today Jason posted a fantastic blog entry on IPR. You can give it a read at this URL. I wanted to say a few things about Jason and his Posthegemony RPG project.
First off I consider myself lucky enough to be a friend of Jason’s. I have also read most of his RPG work, pretty much all of his published fiction, and actually given him detailed feedback on several of his projects including Scourges of the Galaxy, An Unforgiving Land
, and lately, Posthegemony. Me and most of my Monthly Sunday Game (MSG) group were also privileged enough to play in a Posthegemony play-test at DunDraCon this year.
I really think Jason has something special with Posthegemony.
In my experience when a writer is passionate about a subject it really shows in his work. I think this is especially true in RPG and definitely true for Jason. I personally feel that Jason’s strongest work so far is his fiction book An Unforgiving Land because he is so passionate about the topic…the Black Rock Desert and the people who choose to live in such a desolate but beautiful place. As reflected in Jason’s blog post he has the same level of passion for Posthegemony and the stories that it will allow everyone to experience. I was excited after reading it the first time, excited after the play-test session, and elated to have the opportunity to read it several times now to give Jason my feedback.
There is a free PDF novelette up on IPR called A Remembrance Of Her that will be part of the Posthegemony RPG product. Go check it out for a preview of what is on the way.
When Posthegemony comes out at GenCon this year go buy it Interesting Person. 🙂
Hi Folks: Here is a link for the PDF on DriveThruRPG. Note that Jason was nice enough to give me full Editor rights on the book. Cool. 🙂