Kingbeast's Lair

Growling about the RPG industry and my gaming life. RPG and anime reviews from a passionate fan. (Formerly John's Hero HQ.)

Review Of Profane Miracles By Pelgrane Press

December 10, 2009 By: John Taber Category: Games, Product Reviews

Profane Miracles Cover-== What is it? ==-

Profane Miracles is an adventure for The Esoterrorists roleplaying game from Pelgrane Press. It is written by Leonard Balsera. The back cover calls Profane Miracles an action-packed fast-play adventure. There are 8 major scenes plus support material.

The book has a color cover and an entirely black and white interior. The book is 8 1/2? x 11? and is 32 pages in length. It includes a simple table of contents and no index. I reviewed a printed copy from November 2006. I have only read the book; I have not yet played the adventure.

-== What I Like ==-

I really enjoyed reading this adventure. I thought there were several very memorable scenes and characters. There was a lot of Esoterrorist flavor to the scenes as well. Thus I really think this would be a fine adventure for getting people familiar with the setting. Each scene also flows very well into the next. When scenes can be skipped there is supporting text as well.

One of my favorite scenes is the last one. I won’t spoil the ending but I will say that it is definitely a “tough choice” finale. Really awesome stuff.

The adventure also includes a new fiendish monster. The Dimentia Larva is a really cool new ODE (Outer Dark Entity).

The cover art is nice and not too dark. It conveys a real sense of action that is key to this adventure. The interior art is easy to read and the layout is nice and not too dark. With some of the other Esoterrorists products this can be an issue.

-== What I Don’t Like ==-

The interior art is very dark and just mediocre. I am not fond of art that is so dark that it cannot be easily copied out and shown to players.

-== Summary ==-

I thought this was a fantastic adventure especially at the $9.95 price tag. I highly recommend it and plan to use it as the first adventure when starting my own Esoterrorists campaign. Highly recommended.

I give Profane Miracle 9 out of 10 paws.

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