Kingbeast's Lair

Growling about the RPG industry and my gaming life. RPG and anime reviews from a passionate fan. (Formerly John's Hero HQ.)

Episode 7 – The Magician Upright

September 26, 2015 By: John Taber Category: Dark Waters Rising News, Games

Vanessa[ Author’s Note: This is the log for the 7th session. Instead of posting your standard log of everything that happened during the session I will post “Then” and “Now” sections that summarize the story. The players will need to recall the details as to how it unfolded. This means that the players will be responsible for remembering any loose ends that may come back to haunt them in a later Episode. ]


Levee House, New Orleans, USA – June 19th, 2015 – As the sleek Mercedes races towards Highway 10 the sound of gunshots fade in the distance. The large vampire at the wheel, feeling naked in his pajamas, grips the steering wheel tightly. Looking out the back window of the car his heavily tattooed passenger speaks in a quiet concerned tone, “I saw at least three hunters but there must have been more. They appear to be heavily armed and good shots as well. One winged me from almost 100 yards at a dead run with an M16. Wonder if it is that blasted Homeland Security team??? Whaddya think Barnes?” The large black vampire races up the freeway on-ramp accelerating at an even steady pace. He addresses his passenger in a careful even tone, “I dunno if it was Homeland Security Garrett but either way they were a group of trained hunters. Jordan is tough and Siva and Katie are smart. It would take a lot of firepower to take down those three. I’m more worried about Sutherland. That scrawny English puke will collapse like a house of card if questioned. We best get somethin’ to quench our thirst then get to the estate and let Boston know that company is on the way. If I was them I’d press. We should expect them in the next day or so.” The leather clad youth sits back in his seat but finds it impossible to sit still. What has he gotten himself into?!? A squad of trained hunters!?!


Willow Gate Estate, New Orleans, USA – June 19th, 2015 – Vanessa paces as she waits for her lover, Boston, to finish preparations for the ritual. She reflects that it has been a long time since she has felt nervous about anything. Should Boston succeed their dreams will be fulfilled but at what cost?!? A knock on the door to the guest house reminds her that there is still work to be done. Vanessa crosses the room with confident gait, raises the collar on her blouse, then opens the door, “Hey Vanessa! Is the Boss ready?” As Garrett enters the room Barnes follows with a thin smirk on his face, “You need to be on your A game Garrett…this night is far from over.” Vanessa silently closes the guest house door then heads off to speak with Boston wishing that she did not have to deal with these jackasses, “The mistress is almost ready. You know your roles. Please don’t fuck it up.” As she leaves the room Garrett takes comfort in Vanessa’s cold demeanor while muttering, “That bitch has ice running in veins but that might be just what we need right now.”

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