Kingbeast's Lair

Growling about the RPG industry and my gaming life. RPG and anime reviews from a passionate fan. (Formerly John's Hero HQ.)

Big Bad Con 2018 Recap

October 20, 2018 By: John Taber Category: Games, Growlings, Site Recommendations

Big Bad Con 2018 LogoWhat Is It?

Big Bad Con is a tabletop gaming convention held in the East Bay.  For the past several years it has been held at the Walnut Creek Marriott in October.  Although billed as a tabletop gaming convention I think the focus is on small press role-playing game and LARP events.

Why Is It Special?

Big Bad Con takes the words acceptance and kindness to heart.  Every time you walk in the lobby or approach a Ranger, one of the yellow scarf wearing staff members, you are greeted with a smile and a hello.  They will then do everything in their power to make sure the con attendee is taken care of and having a good time.  This even happens during sessions!

Acceptance is paramount.  There are pronoun ribbons for your Big Bad Con lanyard and at seminars and panels there is a real focus on acceptance and embracing identity.  In conference rooms there are spaces marked off for people who have a special need of any kind.

The result is an atmosphere that encourages attendees to talk with each other openly.  Several times I got into fantastic conversations with complete strangers.  In every case I was more than pleasantly excited about it.  One example was before the sessions on Saturday morning.  I was in the lobby having a coffee and noticed that an attendee was reading Mouse Guard.  I plan to run Mouse Guard for this group so I asked him for some advice.  Turn out that the guy has run Mouse Guard for several years and it is his favorite RPG.  He went on to spend nearly an hour giving me pointers, cheat sheets, and other helpful advice.  It turned into just an encounter that I will never forget.

What Did I Play?

I played four role-playing games and a board game.  Every session went wonderfully.

I started with Bliss Stage.  This is a giant robot anime setting with a twist.  Carl Rigney was running the game which prompted me to sign up.  Carl never disappoints.  I had a blast smiting evil dream creatures with an amped up sonic cannon.  It was awesome!

Next I played The Watch with Anna Kreider the designer.  Before the session started I actual met Racerx who was also at the session.  Fun was had by all in an action packed emotional setting.  This is a little game with a lot of depth.

On Saturday I played in Mountain Witch again with Carl Rigney.  It was one of the highlights of my Big Bad Con 2018 visit.  Having six players really makes this game tick and Carl brought it as the GM.  Go fast!

I try to take it easy on Saturday night with a board game.  It works really for me to unwind and still have enough energy for Sunday.  I played a neat little co-op area control board game called Spirit Island.  It took some time to get warned up but the game certainly rolls along once it gets going.  Liked it so much that I bought a copy and pledged for an expansion they have currently on Kickstarter.

I wrapped up the con with a delightful session of Mermaid Adventures and the Pip System with the designer Eloy Lasanta.  The session itself was a blast and the rule system was exactly what I was looking for in a universal system…simple to learn, easy to customize, and enough crunch that my hardcore players will enjoy it.  He showed off a system called Infestation when the PC are bugs with newly acquired intelligence and I think it will be tons of fun to run with my boys.

What Is My Take?

I think Big Bad Con has become the premiere role-playing game convention in the Bay Area.  I think anyone in this humble group that focuses on Indie RPG titles should would hard pressed not to have a good time.  Highly recommended.

Episode Synopsis – Session 29 – “Don’t Drink It! It’s Evil!”

September 24, 2018 By: John Taber Category: Dark Waters Rising News, Games

[  Author’s Note: This is the episode synopsis for the 29th session of the Dark Waters Rising campaign. This is my take as to what happened during the session. Please let me know if there are any comments or corrections.  ]

Distillation Of The Outer Dark
Now that Anne, Kirk, and Winston have returned from Germany with another ingredient there are only two left to find. As the group contemplates how to get to the enchanted still Alastair gets a call from Astryd. Astryd explains that someone has come into the shop asking for help. They have some symbols that look “authentic” to her. Alastair calls Ron then the two head to the shop.

At ” The Voodoo That You Do” the pair of hunters find an older gentleman who is watching the shop from just outside the front door. Ron believes that man is not moving in a normal manner. Ron detects that this older man is moving in a slow and deliberate fashion. Alastair calls Astryd who lets them in and introduces then to Joshua Constantin. Joshua shows the group some symbols and Haitian writing that he recorded from the still. The old Cajun man explains that the still is making his people lethargic. Astryd and Alastair think the symbols are part of an elaborate Outer Dark based spell created by Ruby Ray Morales. After Ron and Alastair speak with Joshua he agrees to take them to see the still.

At the small island home of the Constantin family a woman approaches Joshua with tears in her eyes. According to the woman Horatio and some of the other people from the camp took the still. Joshua explains that Horatio came into some money recently and decided to go out on his own. Doing some detective work on the island Anne finds some massive alligator tracks and a post that is crushed by a large clawed hand. Searching the net Kirk finds a nearby boat shop that Horatio always talked about owning. A call to the owner confirms that is was recently sold.

After scoping out the boat shop the team comes up with a simple but clever plan. They will simply buy the still from Horatio. Anne and Alastair approach the shop carefully. Inside they can hear loud music and people having a party. Horatio lets them in when Anne explains that they have a deal the would like to make with them. Anne offers to pay Horatio $45,000 for the still and new truck that is carrying it. After come consideration Horatio agrees if they throw in a new still to the deal as part of the offer. Anne agrees then delivers the cash.

Taking the still back to an empty warehouse Winston, Alastair, and Astryd examine the still and writing in detail. They believe they can use the still to distill essence of the Outer Dark if they enhance it with some of their own magical power. It also gives the three occult researchers a chance to examine the full spell that Ruby Ray created. Alastair’s conclusion is that the spell is much too complex for Ruby Ray to have created it on his own. He guesses that some type of higher intelligence must have aided him.

The group decides to fire up the still to get the next ingredient. As the still starts to produce a black inky material the values start to whistle and hiss! Pouring out from the still is a gaseous creature! Thinking fast Alastair grabs the vial, Anne breaks the propane line, then Ron shoots it with his shotgun! The resulting explosion dissipated the gaseous creature and sends Ron flying.

Akili’s Song
AkiliAfter getting the fourth component the group starts to research the last one. After some research by Anne, Kirk, Alastair, and Madame Farr the group decides that they need a plant that has been tainted by the Outer Dark. They remember the Moth summer home and the oppressive sycamore trees that covered it. While doing research on the site they learn from Instagram that at the site is a group calling itself the Followers Of Thyrsus. Students from Dr. Stone’s class and Kirk’s daughter are also planning on attending.

The group decides to investigate the site immediately. Anne rents a van with a long ladder and packs a chainsaw. Kirk disguises himself then attends as a guest. Behind the house a tarp is setup between the sycamore trees forming an overhang. When they arrive at the backyard camp they find two Rastafarians are leading the festivities. They would later learn that their names are Akili and Jevaun. Akili was playing a haunting tune on a kettle drum. The song had a deep base thrum laid with an empty sounding light treble line. It takes all of Alastair’s mental strength to resist being drawn into the song. When Alastair uses his magical sight he finds that both Akili and Jevaun are glowing with a very powerful and very old magic. He also finds that the three sycamore trees glow with a residual magic from the Rastafarians and a subtle Outer Dark energy. As the sun begins to set Alastair realizes that the trees are growing darker as the night comes on. His feeling is that they need to wait for the darkest part of the night as that is also mentioned in the name of the last component. Alastair also wonders if the song might be needed as well.

As the hunters settle in to wait Akili speaks to Alastair. He remarks that he can hear the song…that he can feel the emptiness. Using his ghosts Anne finds time to search the Rastafarian VS van. Inside she finds some writing on papyrus. This writing is a story of a satyr that ventures alone into a dark forest and learns the meaning of loneliness. That prompts Kirk to quickly research satyrs. Monster hunter boards seem to suggest that satyrs do exist and that they are immortal.

Now they only have to wait…then extract the sap from one of the trees at the darkest part of the night…

Episode Synopsis – Session 28 – “Guten Tag!”

August 26, 2018 By: John Taber Category: Dark Waters Rising News, Games

Who Guards The Guardians?
While still in New Orleans the trio of hunters (Winston, Kirk, and Anne) research the site using the internet and the notes from Rabbi Brummer’s ghost. The site of the Bergenvalden Camp is now a park in the small town of Naumberg. Naumberg is about 30 miles outside of the city of Leipzig. Winston finds a Templar contact in Leipzig and sets up a meeting.

After their private flight to Germany the group scouts out the park. Anne speaks with a local member of the Chamber Of Commerce who tells them that the actual location of the camp is actually 5 meters under the park. This directs the hunters to a door at the bottom of a stairwell in one corner of the park. Winston uses magical sight to discover that the door has a magical symbol on it. A local café provides a safe spot to discuss the situation. The group decides to head to Leipizig then to speak with Winston`s contact.

Winston’s Templar contact is Alice Hertzog who runs a magical component shop that is disguised as a tea shop. Once the PC confirm that Alice is knowledgeable they lay out the situation. Alice explains the she does not know a lot abut the camp because all of the important documentation is being held at a synagogue in Naumbeg. She also explains that two other people came in earlier asking about the Bergenvalden Camp and purchased some components. These people included a proper gray haired Caucasian woman and a voluptuous raven haired woman who acted like her bodyguard. Winston and Madame Farr’s ghost think the components are for a spell that would attempt to open a portal to the Outer Dark for some type of summoning. Next the group decides to visit the synagogue.

At the synagogue in Naumberg the trio meet Rabbi Jochim Dressler and two of his parishioners (the cafe waitress, Sara Lichtmann, and the train station kiosk salesman, Leopold Feliks). The PC remember Sara and Leopold from the park. The PC then confront the Rabbi as they seem terrified of the PC. After validating the identity of the characters with Alice the Rabbi explains that they watch the Guardians. Not only have they protected the portal that leads to the Guardians for generations but they also give some of their very life essence to power the spell! The Rabbi then allows the characters to copy the Guardian’s spell with the hope that Stone might be able to help them come up with a more permanent solution.

The group decides to insert Winston into the circle of Guardians then he will have glimpsed the Outer Dark and they can just take his blood at a later time. At the room at the bottom of the stairway in the park Rabbi Dressler shows the group the portal. The portal reveals five guardians in a glowing limbo. Insider their arms is a swirling miasma of purple smoke that beckons to the beyond. As Winston joins the circle he gets a glimpse into the emptiness and raw power that is the Outer Dark! After a minute the Guardians inform Winston that something is coming! He steps out of the circle but not before a horrific mage killing Shatterer emerges! While Winston holds the beast Anne and Kirk lay into it with an assault rifle and a shotgun The beast is destroyed in a splash of purple ooze!

After the portal is safely resealed the PC leave the stairwell. At the top of the stairwell is the gray haired woman and two cohorts. The woman is screaming, “NOOOOO!!! The portal was closed too quickly!!!” She screams out that she will complete the work of her lover Doctor Heimglimmer! Her companions, a blond haired man wearing a paramilitary web harness, and the voluptuous woman who is now holding two Colt 1911s, appear to be surprised by her actions and back up. After breaking down the woman’s magical shield she vanishes in a haze of purple mist! Anne and Winston ask the two cohorts to leave. They carefully back away to avoid a confrontation.

Now only two ingredients remain!