Kingbeast's Lair

Growling about the RPG industry and my gaming life. RPG and anime reviews from a passionate fan. (Formerly John's Hero HQ.)

Situation Report – Session #2 – Operation Raincoat

February 20, 2017 By: John Taber Category: Games, Godlike News

Carry Out The Wounded[  Author’s Note: This is the situation report for the 2nd session of the Godlike Hero campaign. This is my take as to what happened during the session. Please let me know if there are any comments or corrections.  ]

3 December, 1943 @ 0630 – The session begins halfway through the assault on Monte la Difensa. The Talents of the FSSF are making their way systematically through the German defenses when they hear a low rumble. With a cloud of dust SS Ubers literally roll into a nearby foxhole. As the Ubers get their bearings the US Talents press their advantage. Butcher quickly derps Ricochet leaving most of the Ubers undefended. Tank lets loose with his light machine gun taking down the deadly Abattoir. Skeet advances on the left flank taking down a sangar then the Uber named Beacon. Tap takes down enemy soldiers clearing the way for others to advance. Sparky drops dynamite into the Uber foxhole then speeds away. The explosion takes down Landslide and hurts the others. After Quicksand gets Sparky’s legs caught he uses his shotgun to take him out.

With all of the Ubers down the firing slows. FSSF commander Col Fredericks assess the losses. Thirty Foremen died, around 100 are wounded, and one of their beloved Majors has lost his leg. Fredericks orders the Forcemen to hold their positions, resupply, and tend to the wounded.

Later than night Col Fredericks pulls aside the Talents. The men are shaken after their first real combat and the loss of the Major. He puts them on the important mission of getting some hooch from the 26th regiment under Clark. After briefly rebuffing the Col the group leaves the Camino Hill Complex. On the way down the steep hillside the Talents are asked to carry down a wounded soldier named Bernie Bernstein. Bernie took some shrapnel to his side. After a brief examination Butcher suggest that they might want to go double time if Bernie has any chance of surviving. The group takes him down the hill to a mobile surgical center that has been setup at the base. At the center Butcher questions the doctors then decides that he better conduct the surgery. The rest of the PC continue on their mission.

Tank comes up with a plan of trading cigars from Col Frederick’s personal stash with Clark’s supply depot for booze. After convincing a young aide that the cigars are for the Col he reluctantly gives them up. The group then heads to the suppler depot where they trade with the Supply Sgt Buchannan for two cases of whiskey. During the trade Tap observes some strange behavior between Sgt Buchannan and one of his guards. He also notices a tent lace itself up after the whiskey is removed from the tent.

4 December, 1943 @ 1100 –The whiskey changes the mood on the top of Monte la Difensa. The Forcemen now seem ready to tackle their next objective in the Camino Hill Complex Hill 907. It takes two tries for the Brits to take a hill to the south but once taken it means that the flank of the FSSF will not be exposed. They are ready to move forward early in the morning on 6 December.

Situation Report – Session #1 – Operation Raincoat

January 24, 2017 By: John Taber Category: Games, Godlike News

Camino Hill Complex[  Author’s Note: This is the situation report for the 1st session of the Godlike Hero campaign. This is my take as to what happened during the session. Please let me know if there are any comments or corrections.  ]

23 November, 1943 @ 0730 – Col Frederick’s aide informs the PC to collect their gear the report to the motorpool. At the motorpool waits Col Frederick, two of his Lt Col’s (MacWilliams and Moore), as well as two Forcemen Sgts (Fenton and Van Ausdale). After a quick greeting the group loads up into three jeeps and heads towards the small Italian town of San Felice. The PC realize that the trip may have to do with mining or climbing as both Fenton and Van Ausdale are experts in these areas.

Upon arriving at the destroyed Italian village the SFFS team disembarks and begins a 5 mile hike to the base of the Camino Hill Complex. On the way Col Frederick explains that the Camino Hill Complex is critical to removing Jerry from Italy. He likens it to a “cork in a bottle”. The Col conveys that Clarks 5th has tried to take the Camino Hill Complex three times and has failed. He has tried twice from the south and once from the north where there is easier access. The FSSF will be using the eastern approach which is far steeper. The objective of this trip is to scout out possible access routes up the eastern face of Hill 960. The PC split from the Cols leaving them in the able care of the two Sgts. Skeet and Tap the lead for the Forcemen talents. They both perform discover the best route possible with amazing precision! The Forcemen talents decide that the best route is up a steep path to a landing that is just 300 yards below the top of a saucer-like structure at the top of the Camino Hill Complex. The last 300 yards involve a vertical climb up a sheer cliff but the good news is that there are handholds and a seam in the rocks that should block view from the north and south. After explaining the group returns to the barracks.

24 November, 1943 @ 0800 – The next day Col Frederick leads a detailed briefing that covers his plan of taking the Camino Hill Complex. The FSSF 2nd regiment 2nd battalion under Lt Col Moore will lead the ascent with the talents in front. Once at the top they will hoist up rope ladders which will be used to quickly get the troops up to the saucer section. The men and Talents are told that only knives and grenades are to be used. Rifle fire will alert the enemy to their position and surprise is paramount to the success of the mission. After the main briefing Col Frederick and Lt Col MacWilliams approach the Talents. MacWilliams presents Tap with a brown accordion folder with a top secret report about Ubermenschen who are operating in the Camino Hill Complex area. Col Frederick explains that the Talents have two objectives. The first is to take down any Ubers who may show up on the mountain. The second is to help 2nd division with foxholes and dug in fortifications at the saucer edge.

1 December, 1943 @ 1530 – After waiting for weather then a supply snafu the troops disembark to the bivouac at the base of the Camino Hill Complex. By the time the troops make it to the bivouac points they are cold and wet. The Talents head out first with Fenton and Van Ausdale to make the ascent up the cliff. Fenton and Van Ausdale will act as spotters for the Talents. As the climb begins so does the artillery. The entire top the saucer complex is not being pounded with explosions! The climb is slow and dangerous due to the darkness and rainfall. Skeet slips once but musters on to the top. At the top Tap and Skeet hear movement. A German soldier is crawling out to the lip to examine the eastern face! Acting quickly the pair grab the soldier and attempt to throw him off the cliff. Surprisingly he grabs on tight with hand then starts reaching for a pistol. Skeets stabs the soldier allowing Tap to yank him off the cliff to his death.

At the saucer section the Krauts have mined out foxholes and setup rock barriers into machine gun pits called “sangar” by the Canadian forcemen. The PC throw grenades as the artillery is signaled to stop using a flare. Grenades from Sparky, Skeet, and Tap lead the charge! Butcher derps (aka blind and deafens) the machine gun operator as the PC advance from foxhole to foxhole. Sparky uses his power get behind a line of troops so he can drop a dynamite charge into their cave bunker. Skeet keeps one foxhole pinned using his Tommy Gun until he eventually take it out. Tap picks off threats from range with deadly precision. The session closes with the PC nearing the end of the southern side of the saucer. They wonder when the Ubers will show themselves…

Episode Synopsis – Session 17 – Three Of Wands Reversed

November 21, 2016 By: John Taber Category: Dark Waters Rising News, Games

Lamashtu[  Author’s Note: This is the episode synopsis for the 17th session of the Dark Waters Rising campaign. This session was the end of the first campaign arc. This is my take as to what happened during the session. Please let me know if there are any comments or corrections.

Heads Up: For the players at the session please read the end of The Trap Is Sprung carefully. I forgot something during the session that needed to happen for the next campaign arc. It is in italics.  ]

The Cahokian Guardian Dragon
After bandaging themselves from the hell hound attack the characters approach the small structure at the old mining complex. Anne bashes down the door and confronts a tiny deformed man who is hiding in the corner. After making a bargain with Ebon Gnails he tells them that he knows the location of the sword but he has never held it. He explains that the sword is down in the mines below his shack. Down in the mines Ebon leads the way to a crystal cavern lined with sphalerite. Adorning the entrance to the cavern are Native American cave paintings. Stone deduces that the writing is from the Cahokian tribe and based on the pigments used they are from the 13 century. Anne finds a pictograph of a lion with a human head on a snake body and a long fish tail. She explains that the creature is a piasa. Piasa are actually protectors of the land and are actually a type of dragon.

On the other side of the crystal cavern is a small alcove. Embedded in the rock with only the hilt protruding is a very old looking bronze sword. As the PC approach, rocks beside the sword move aside and a crazy looking creature emerges. The piasa explains that he is the guardian of the land and that a sword with so much evil must be kept out of the wrong hands. After some careful bargaining the PC convince the piasa that they plan to use the sword to destroy a demon that is even more foul. Reluctantly the piasa agrees. He asks them to return the blade within a season then to seal off the tunnel so that others may not so easily find its location. At this point Stone reaches out to touch the handle of the sword with his mystical senses. The piasa raises an eyebrow but only watches. When Stone touches the sword hilt he feels a cool wind coming from the west. The wind becomes biting cold tearing through his clothing, As he looks down terrible scorpions and spiders are climbing up his legs stinging him! He releases the sword clawing at his legs! Even though mentally scarred the entire event was something only he observed. The piasa seems content with the results and allows Ron to take the sword from the stone. Was Alastair’s vision some type of test? The PC leave the mines and return to New Orleans leaving Ebon to his shack.

The Trap Is Sprung!
Now having a weapon to use against Lamashtu the PC prepare to summon her. Stone focuses on the spell while Ron and Anne setup the location and gather the remaining components. They decide one of Anne’s warehouses will be the best location as they can keep out the moonlight and the floor is a concrete slab. They get sweat from a mother and blood from her baby by bribing a private midwife. This is used by Stone to draw the mystical circle that will call to Lamashtu. To make things tough on Lamashtu and her demons the group sets up a large salt square around the area and several strategically placed demon traps. The result leaves only one portal unprotected. Dual sets of curtains protect the area from moonlight.

Alastair starts the spell near midnight. As he chants the characters hear thunder and wind buffeting the warehouse. When the spell reaches a climax he calls out to Pazuzu for his power! The circle lights up with a red demonic glow. The characters then whisper messages to Lamashtu to draw her into the circle. The powerful messages complete the spell and now they only have to wait for her to arrive.

About 45 minutes later a black van pulls up the warehouse. Two men and two women get out of the van. Quickly one of the men walks around the build then one of the women enters the door. She walks across two demon traps causing them to merely flare up. When Lamashtu enters the second curtain the PC see a young woman in her 20’s with a pink hoodie. Around her is a glowing protection. Ron strikes out with the sword landing a massive blow to her neck. Lamashtu falls to one knee when Anne opens up with blessed M16 rounds. Anne lands several deadly shots! At that point Stone calls forth lightning that seems to cause her pain. After the barrage Lamashtu stands and enters the circle. After reaching the center of the circle the host that Lamashtu is inhabiting rips in half! A multiarmed multifaced demons woman emerges! Lamashtu taunts the characters then moves to stop Ron who is wielding what Lamashtu refers to as that “foul blade”. She strikes at Ron who takes a blow that grazes his chest. Anne then lets the PC know that a second or so after the first attack breached the shield that it was momentarily down. Acting as a team Ron waits to strike in concert with Anne and Stone. First Anne shoots another volley into Lamashtu bringing down her shield. Once down Ron strikes home with the sword and Stone lets loose with another lightning bolt! Lamashtu falls to the ground and turns to dust. The other demons see their master fall and turn to leave. One gets caught in a well-placed demon trap then stares on hopelessly as Ron cuts off its head.

After the battle ends the PC tend to their wounds and call in Winston’s crew to clean up the mess. When they leave the warehouse they are shocked to see that the clouds have not cleared. For nearly 15 minutes at several points around the city they see red lightning striking the ground. What is causing the lightning strikes?!? Is it some type of after effect of the spell?!? Within an hour the sun is shining and the clouds have parted.

Cliff’s Wish
At this point the characters visit Sutherland and try to decide what to do with him. Anne thinks back to a scene that she had with her brother Cliff. She enters his office and confronts him about the crossroads demon. At first Cliff tells Anne that he wanted the company to continue to do well. When Anne argues that the company is not doing poorly Cliff explains that he wanted to leave something for his wife, Sarah, and their two kids. Anne continues to berate Cliff who goes quiet. After a pause Cliff tells Anne that he has terminal pancreatic cancer. Doctors gave him a month to live. Cliff explains the he knew about supernatural creatures because of Anne and tried to find a cure or a way out. A member of the Rosicrucian’s told him about crossroad demons. He used this as a starting point for his research. Eventually he found a man in England (Sutherland) who offered to sell him details on how crossroads demons could be contacted. Cliff made the deal and contacted a demon. He asked for 10 more years of life and success in business. In 10 years his soul would be condemned to hell. Anne consoles her brother then the scene shifts back to Sutherland.

Anne and Stone are not sure what to do with Sutherland. Anne feels that a simple verbal agreement is not enough. Stone does not think killing him is the right answer. The two are left discussing their options…

Fortune Teller
Sleep does not come easy this night for Madame Astryd Trudeau. After tossing and turning she decides to let the tarot direct her thoughts. The voodoo priestess pulls out her deck and pulls up a chair to her table. Queen of Wands reversed. Seven of Cups reversed. The Sun reversed. The Magician upright. The Empress upright. The High Priestess reversed. The Moon upright. Strength reversed. The Lovers upright. The Devil upright. The Chariot upright. Ten of Swords reversed. With sweat dripping down her face she thinks of the dangerous game that her friends are playing with that demon bitch. Three of Wands reversed. She breathes out a sigh of release, “The fates are with you this time mes amies…I pray that they continue to be in your corner for evil is rising like a dark tide…”

Loose Ends
This section details some of the loose ends that remain after the close of the first campaign arc.

  • The Ikon Of Khan – Left hidden in the swamp.
  • Sutherland Captive – Should he live? If so what should they do with him?
  • Red Lightning Strikes – What was that all about? Does it mean anything? Stone said that spell to call Lamashtu was really evil. Is this related and if so how?