Kingbeast's Lair

Growling about the RPG industry and my gaming life. RPG and anime reviews from a passionate fan. (Formerly John's Hero HQ.)

TIAM Game Log On Session #14 – End Of Chapter 6

December 16, 2008 By: John Taber Category: Games, TIAM News

Chapter 6 – Plant Y Daear – Session #14

Date At Start Of Game: 12/12/1893

[Author’s Note: This episode is the fourteenth session. Note that the order of the events in this record may not be the exact order that they occurred in the session.]

  • As Nathan turns to stone and small goblin like humanoids jump down in the grotto the PC jump into action. Singh grabs Helen in a headlock preventing her from casting spells. Abdul knocks down the stick structure angering the little creatures. Senemut draws his sword and tries to hack at the creatures. All the while the creatures poke at the PC with stone tools and cast evil eyes. While Helen tussles with Singh, Abdul grabs the locket and threatens to break it. This stops the little creatures in their tracks. Not knowing what to do they turn to Helen who gives them direction. In one effort they attack. Abdul breaks the locket and Senemut smashes the black stone. This sends them into a frenzy. Eventually Singh stands with Helen and begins to run out of the grotto! The little people chase until the end of the small canyon then turn back. The rest of the PC emerge with Nathan’s stone corpse. The PC then tell Helen that they will release her if she will turn Nathan back into flesh. They also tell her that she must not threaten Nathan again. She agrees and changes Nathan back into flesh. As Helen walks away she changes into a large snake and slithers into the canyon.
  • With that the PC close up the estate and head back to Oxford. They take Nathan under their wing and inform him about the NAGS. He is excited about the offer which also allows the PC to closely watch his development.

Date At End Of Game: 12/14/1893

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