Reverb Gamers – Questions 6 Through 10
This year Atlas Games came out with a list of 31 RPG related questions that they wanted people to answer. I will tackle them in small bite sized morsels to make them a bit easier to swallow. Here are the next set of questions.
REVERB GAMERS 2012, #6: Describe your all-time favorite character to play. What was it about him/her/it that you enjoyed so much?
I almost always run games so my list of favorite characters is not too big. I think one of my favorite PC to play is Green Ghost. Green Ghost is a Champions PC. He is a mild mannered law abiding construction worker who dug up an ancient cape that grants him strange magical ghostlike powers. I really enjoy Green Ghost for several reasons. First he has some really fun super powers. Green Ghost can walk through walls, fly, disrupt objects by phasing into them, and produce an ethereal gas to choke out foes. As his powers come from green life magic he is vulnerable to attacks that are red. This can be a lot of fun in conventions as I often need to ask the GM the colors of every attack that comes at him. Another great source of fun is Green Ghost’s near complete law abiding stance. Even though he is a ghost he will not enter a structure unless it is legal to do so. This often brings up lots of fun moments. The fact that Green Ghost is also a father brings up some great role-playing moments.
REVERB GAMERS 2012, #7: How do you pick names for your characters?
For superhero characters I use a thesaurus. For fantasy characters I will often piece together parts of other words. For modern characters I will use a baby name book or random name generator. Right now my preference is Inspiration Pad from NBOS. (You can pickup a copy of Inspiration Pad for free at this URL.)
REVERB GAMERS 2012, #8: What’s the one gaming accessory (lucky dice, soundtrack, etc.) you just can’t do without? Why?
I can only pick one!?! 😀 I guess I would have to pick my landscape Customizable GM Screen. I love the landscape format and having plastic slots for inserts is REALLY nice. Superb product. (You can pick one up at Noble Knight Games for $24.95 at this URL.)
REVERB GAMERS 2012, #9: Have you ever played a character of the opposite sex. Why or why not? If yes, how did the other players react?
I have played a female character but it was VERY early on in my RPG career. After only a game or two I completely gave up trying to play female PC. As I did a terrible job at it the other players did not react well. I have gotten better at playing female NPCs from the GM side of the screen.
REVERB GAMERS 2012, #10: Have you ever played a character originally from a book/TV/movie? How did the character change from the original as you played? If not, who would you most like to play?
I have not played a character that was directly from a published source but I have played some with only the serial numbers filed off. The one that springs to mind is Ridge Runner. Ridge Runner is a Champions character that is essentially Black Panther with a few less enhanced senses. 😉 He ended up being a private eye and less noble than the source.