Kingbeast's Lair

Growling about the RPG industry and my gaming life. RPG and anime reviews from a passionate fan. (Formerly John's Hero HQ.)

Chapter 3 – Seven Of Cups Reversed

March 22, 2015 By: John Taber Category: Dark Waters Rising News, Games

Neferure[ Author’s Note: This is the log for the 3rd session. Instead of posting your standard log of everything that happened during the session I will post “Then” and “Now” sections that summarize the story. The players will need to remember the details as to how it unfolded. This means that the players will be responsible for remembering any loose ends that may come back to haunt them in a later Chapter. [Evil GM snicker.] ]


Just South Of El Kur, Egypt – 1450 BC – Hefting her heavy pack the young woman tightens her shawl against the raging sandstorm. Slowly she walks through the barren windswept countryside inching ever closer to her destination. She thinks about her role as handmaiden and how it has come to such an terrible finale. The royal family respected her position and she must honor theirs with her actions. Tomb robbers will not destroy the two most powerful woman that she is likely ever to come to know and love. If Neferure’s prophecy is correct the queen and princess will rise again to reclaim their throne. She stumbles to her knees. Before standing she reaches for her skin of water only to find that it is dry. She must continue! Taking out a small statuette of a woman with a cat’s head she prays one last time to Bastet. Give her the strength to continue! Staring up into the sun tears fill her eyes. As she sinks into the sand a shadowy presence covers her body filling it with strength. If she can just make it to the burial chamber…


New Orleans, USA – March 21, 2015 – Doctor Sophia Omari shakes her head in disgust as she surveys the damage to her precious artifacts. Whatever was not damaged by fire is destroyed by water from the automatic sprinklers that did their job a little too well. Even though Susan Taylor, the NOMA Director, keeps telling her that they have insurance she realizes that there is no way these items can be replaced. Of all the things that could happen a freak electrical accident was not something she expected. As despair fills her heart she remembers that at least the amulet is safe in the hotel vault. With a sigh she sits down on one of the nearby benches. She is startled when Gunter, the young man who was working at the souvenir stand the previous night, takes her hand and pulls her to her feet. Excitement fills his steps as he pulls her into the main museum chamber, “Doctor Omari look! Can you believe it!?! Your fancy queen mummy did not get destroyed!!! In fact it looks like it is pretty great shape. Wow…that is amazing!”

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