Kingbeast's Lair

Growling about the RPG industry and my gaming life. RPG and anime reviews from a passionate fan. (Formerly John's Hero HQ.)

Hero Games 3rd Party Announcements

February 14, 2010 By: John Taber Category: Games, Growlings

During the Hero seminar Steve, Darren, and Jason also briefly touched on what some of their 3rd party partners will be doing. Here are some highlights.

d3 will continue to have products. They had two of their Fantasy Hero books at the Hero booth for the first time in print and they looked GREAT. 🙂

Atomic Overmind will be continuing with the 6e version of Day After Ragnarok. One cool new project involves exploring the insides of the midgard serpent.

The final announcement was my favorite. Hero will be working with Arc Dream to produce 6e versions of several of their products. The first will be…drum roll please…Kerberos Club in 6e! Talk about awesome pie with awesome sauce! 😀

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